Courageously Unconventional

Crafting a New Career: Kricia Palmer on Leaving Medicine and Starting Over as an Interior Designer

May 22, 2024 Lynn Grogan Episode 3

There are so many things I loved about my conversation with Kricia Palmer, but one standout is how open and vulnerable Kricia is about sharing what it was like to switch from medicine to interior design mid-career. She talks about feeling unhappy in medicine and being brutally honest with herself about that, and really listening to what she wanted to try next in life.

In particular, we talk about paying attention to how you feel, and letting that be an invitation to dig deeper and ask yourself some questions. Why am I feeling this way? What do I need to pay attention to here?

We also talk about how there’s no certainty in anything we do. We just have to trust our gut, and be willing to try and fail, and know that we can always pick ourselves back up again.

Even if the changes you're considering aren't centered around career, you’ll get a lot from this episode.

Enjoy this conversation with Kricia Palmer!

Kricia Palmer is a physician (pediatric allergy/immunology), an interior designer, and a certified life coach. She helps crazy busy women physicians create intentionally designed spaces that makes coming home the best part of their day.

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- Podcast: The Design Doctor (all platforms)

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 Lynn Grogan 
All right. Welcome back to the Courageously Unconventional podcast. Today, I have a special guest on the show, Kricia Palmer. Kricia, thanks for coming on the podcast!

Kricia Palmer 
Thanks, Lynn. It's great to be here.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. So we've known each other actually for a few years. I think we met first through Katrina Ubell’s program where, she was running something for physician life coaches. At the time, like, I knew a little bit of your story. But now that I've been doing research, I'm like, dang, there's, like, way more to this than I ever imagined. So that might be, like, a good place to start to talk about how you went from being a physician to now, like, interior designer, life coach combo, and how that all worked out.

Kricia Palmer 
Sure. Yeah. So growing up, I was a very like, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I was growing up, I would have said a dancer or an actress because I was always a super creative kid. I love theater. I love dance. I grew up in dance class. And so all along, really up through early college, that's what I wanted to do. And I actually started college as a dance performance major at Oklahoma City University, which has a great performing arts program.

And my goal was to dance in music videos and on Broadway, and I wanted to do all the things. The only thing that I was very clear at that time that I knew I didn't wanna do was I didn't wanna teach. And so once I got into that and realized that, you know, your career path is hard and short lived, and knowing that I didn't want to teach, I kinda decided to pivot. And I was still 18. I was in, you know, my 1st year of college, and so I was left with the question, well, what am I gonna do now? And so I had had a really great high school biology teacher who's very influential, and she always encouraged me, you know, if you if you wanna go to med school, you could. You should go to med school. School always came relatively easy to me, and I made good grades. And so when I came to that point where I was like, well, I'm not gonna dance. Now what am I gonna do? You know, I started thinking about these things that she had told me. 

And at the time, I just think first of all, I think it's crazy when we expect 18 year olds to make these decisions. I just think it's absolutely ridiculous. I had no clue. I didn't know anything about medicine. I didn't know what it involved. I didn't know what the lifestyle was like. And at the time, I thought, well, what's the hardest thing that I can imagine doing? Because I was always very driven.

I was always up for a challenge. And I was like, I'll just be a doctor. So that's what I'm gonna do. So I changed my major to biology pre-med pathway, and that's what I did. And, once I got into it, it was a, you know, I don't regret it at all, but, once I got into it, I realized that it was probably not the best fit for me and my personality and my my true interest that I'd had since I was a kid. And so, I decided to leave medicine after practicing a couple of years, and I stayed at home with our 2 boys. At the time, I had a toddler and a newborn. And, I stayed at home with them and went back to school, went back and got another undergraduate degree in interior design.

And now I have, my own business called House Calls for Physicians where I provide interior design services for other women physicians across the country. And, for those who want to learn interior designs to design for themselves, I also have a course that teaches them how to do that.

Lynn Grogan 
That's amazing. And I mean, I well, there's so much that came up while you were telling your story because I think it's, well, a, brave to, like, find your own path, like, to go through, like, to start as a dancer, go into med school and realize that, like, it was a mismatch for you there. But, like, how did you know that that medicine wasn't a good fit for you?

Kricia Palmer 
So at the time, I actually can answer this a lot better now that I'm almost 50, and I have much more awareness of what was going on at the time. At the time, I had no clue what was going on. I just knew I was unhappy. Medical school was great. During residency, I think is when I first noticed, you know, I don't really like this pace. Of course, residency is really hard no matter which one you're in and things do get a little better once you get into practice. But, I'm an introvert, so that constantly having to be on all day and talk to patient after patient was challenging for just I think that's just a personality difference. And I missed the creative outlet.

Kricia Palmer
I've always been really self motivated. I like to create, and I know that that's now. I know that's what it was. I wasn't able to be constantly creating something new, which is what I do in my business now. So I really miss that. At the time, I don't think I had it much self awareness or understanding. I just knew I was unhappy. And I knew that I kind of secretly fantasized about just getting away from it and walking away.

But it took me a long time to admit that to myself, and it took me a long time to actually do that because of all of these thoughts that I had about, well, you know, I went through all the training. Yeah. Now I can't waste it. Or, you know, what will other people think if I leave medicine? So all that came into play.

Lynn Grogan 
Well, how did you even work through that though? Because I'm just imagining and maybe projecting here and like, who do you even talk to about this? Because it's, like, it can be probably feel pretty isolating to start having these thoughts, but then still be in the midst of your career.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. It it was. And, you know, I had 2 young kids. My oldest has special needs at the time, so that was I think it was just overall a very stressful time. And if it were now, like, being a coach and having lots of coach friends and my own coach, I could have had plenty of people to talk to about that, but then I didn't. I did talk to my husband about it, but I even limited that just because I was so self conscious about, you know, my uncertainty and and so self conscious about, like, feeling guilty for even feeling this way that I wanted to leave medicine. 

So I didn’t really talk to a lot of people. I talked a little bit to my mom who was a great listener. She's always been supportive. My husband was supportive, but I still don't think that I communicated with him to the degree that he really understood how unhappy I was. I was sort of keeping this facade that everything's okay. You know? So it was really something that I unnecessarily wore on my own. And finally, you know, I remember thinking my main thing was like, everybody's gonna think I'm crazy and I'm wasting my all of this training. You know? And it got to the point where I thought, you know what? I can't just I can't go on like this. Like, I have to do what's right for me and I have to be happy. And that's when I just decided I can't do it anymore.

And so I made the decision to, leave my practice. I was at Arkansas Children's Hospital, at an I had an academic position at the time. And, I was unhappy, but it was kind of a combination of things. I was unhappy in that career. I, really wanted to be at home with my kids because, like I said, my I had an older child with special needs, required a lot. And I felt like I was missing out on that. So I wanted to be at home with them, and that was my priority. So my first decision was just to leave medicine and go and be at home with my kids.

Kricia Palmer 
So once I did that, and, I realized that the world didn't fall apart because I left, you know, everything was still ongoing. Then it was actually several years after that, which I decided to sort of act on this dream that I had had, you know, probably since medical school. I think medical school was when I discovered my love for interior design. And I decided to kinda take another step and actually go back to school to do that. So it was kind of in 2 stages.

Lynn Grogan 
Did you know, like, at the time, anybody else that was doing anything similar to you at all, like, thinking about leaving medicine, thinking about changing careers?

Kricia Palmer 
At the time, the only person that I was sort of aware of, there was a guy in our medical school class who actually went to my high school. He was a little bit younger than me that finished medical school, ended up not doing a residency, and he went off to become an entrepreneur. Now he's an extremely successful entrepreneur in Northwest Arkansas. But I think that was it. Like, no one else I mean, it's it's changed so much, you know, in the past 15 years. Now, everybody's leaving. It seems like lots of people are leaving medicine and doing other things, but at the time they weren't. So I didn't have anybody else that I really felt like I could talk to about it.

Kricia Palmer 
They had been through it, or that would understand. So I just sort of I was like, well, I guess I'm going this alone right now.

Lynn Grogan 
You're going it alone, going alone at first, really. Because you're right. Like, now you can find dozens of stories, like, hundreds of stories about people doing, you know, similar path going into entrepreneurism. But I think, and I just wanted to point that out here is that, like, there wasn't a precedent for you. It wasn't like, oh, I'm gonna go do what she did over there.

Kricia Palmer 

Lynn Grogan 
Like, I think that's what, to me, amazes me about your story is that you really were doing something and following what you felt through to you, what felt honest to you. But, you know, but from outward appearances, it's like, okay. What are people gonna think? You had brought that up before. Like, how did you navigate that space and that fear?

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. I think that that, that fear definitely came up. I will say that I think that my personality has always been I think my inherent personality traits were on my side when it came to that because I've always been I'm a any Enneagram type 4. So the individualist. I actually like being different. So like, if everybody else is doing a certain thing, and everybody's jumping on the bandwagon, I'm like, I don't want to do that. What can I do that's different? So I've always been that way. So that part of me, I think, is what allowed me to kind of take that step. But that doesn't mean that I didn't have any, concerns. I mean, we're human.

So I was concerned about what other people would think, But that desire to, first of all, just to do what I knew was right for myself and to, like, well, screw this. I'm gonna leave medicine because I can. You know, I kinda like being a bit of a quiet rebel. It's just in my personality. So I think that kinda won out, thankfully. I feel like that depending on your personality type, that might be more of a struggle for some people.

Lynn Grogan 
I could see that. Definitely. But if you're somebody that's identified since a young age of, like, yeah, I kinda do my own thing and I like that, you kinda have that to draw back on. How did you know that interior design was the right path for you? Sometimes that fear comes up with, like, well, what if that's not right for me? I just left this thing and put a lot of time and energy in. How did you get a sense that that was a good direction for you?

Kricia Palmer 
I think I don't know that I knew for sure that it was. I just wanted to find out. Like, I loved it so much. I I knew I wanted to do it. Like, I didn't know what the future was gonna look like with it. Thankfully, I mean, I was very privileged in the fact that I had a husband, who had a great position, so I didn't have to work. And I understand not everybody's in that situation. So it was definitely a privilege that I started out with.

Kricia Palmer 
Like, I could explore my interest without having to make money right away. So I first discovered my interest when I was probably in med school residency, and that show on HGTV came out called Trading Spaces. I'm dating myself. And because growing up, I wasn't really exposed to interior design. Like, I don't even think I realized it was like a thing until, you know, HGTV was a thing, and I started seeing it on TV. And so I remember watching that show and just I was like, oh my gosh. Like, I wanna do that so badly. It was I just fell in love with it.

Kricia Palmer 
And I’d watch that show and I would I was constantly like experimenting in our own home, redoing things. And I just knew. I just knew. I was like, that's what I want to try. And so I think it was in residency when I was going through, probably in retrospect, I was probably pretty depressed at the time and didn't really, really realize it. But I remember getting online and searching for, like, the nearest accredited interior design program. And what would it be like if I went back and took these classes, and I was, like, reading the descriptions of the classes, and I would get so excited.

Kricia Palmer 
But it was just like a fantasy at that point because I didn't think that was even an option. And so when that time came, when I kinda took those baby steps and leaving medicine, and then it was at home with my kids, And I had their, you know, I was at home with them for a while. And then, you know, some of my time freed up when they were in school where I could go back myself to school. And I just I was like, this is it. I'm I'm gonna do it.

Lynn Grogan 
Well that, and it doesn't sound maybe like you had that when you kind of went in the path of medicine, like the, oh, this is it. This is kind of, like, more of a calling kinda thing.

Kricia Palmer
For sure. And, yeah. And when my when I decided to go into medicine, it was just, you know, well, yeah, I don't I can't even I don't even remember my 18 year old brain and what I was thinking.

Lynn Grogan 
I hear you on that, though. I remember just at the time thinking like, you know, being 18 and being like, really? Like, you have to pick one thing for the rest of your life? That's a lot of pressure on humans.

Kricia Palmer 
I think the other thing is this thought that we've all held for so long, is like you pick your one thing when you're 18 and then you're not supposed to change. You know, this this perception that, like, you pick your career and then you, you know, you get a job and whatever related to whatever field or degree that you have, and that's kinda what you stick with for your whole life. And and, I think that now things have changed in that, like, we're realizing I think just as a society that doesn't have to be that way. Is it really reasonable to have an 18 year old decide what they're gonna do for the rest of their life? And maybe it's just maybe the question is what am I what am I gonna do during this season of my life? And it's okay to change.

Lynn Grogan 
I like that idea. I actually have been having, conversations with a friend for the last couple weeks about talking about seasons of life. And, you know, when you can really think about it that way, then it opens up so many options for you. If it's not just like, well, this is my career path until I retire or whatever. But if it's a season of life, then it doesn't have to be like, oh, medicine was wrong, and now this is right. It's just in that season of your life that made sense. And now this makes sense. 

Kricia Palmer
I think a lot of people too struggle with, and I struggle with this at the time. Can am I gonna be able to do it? Because I was always artistic and creative. But when I would initially try out different things in my home or pick a paint color or, you know, experiment with my home, Looking back at it, I didn't have a whole lot of natural ability in that area. And that's why I decided to go back and get my degree so I could learn. And, I think that a lot of people who may be unhappy in their position or I hear a lot of physicians say, well, if I didn't do medicine, I don't know what I don't have any other skills. What would I do? And I actually recently came across a girl that I was working out with in in a local workout class, and she's younger. She's probably in her early twenties. And she was a nurse and thinking about, like, what are some other things that she could do.

Kricia Palmer 
And her comment made me realize something. She said, well, I only know how to be a nurse. Like, I would it would be really cool to, like, start my own business or be an entrepreneur, but, like, that's off the table because I don't know how to do it. And so I think a lot of people discount a lot of different areas maybe that they're interested in just because they don't have the skill set, and they don't consider the thought that, like, you can learn. And I told her. I was like, I didn't know it either. If it's if that's what you wanna do, it's okay that you don't have the skills. We can you can learn the skills.

Kricia Palmer 
You know? So I think that opens up a whole a whole huge opportunity, you know, if when people aren't happy in their job thinking about, you know, what are the other things that I can do? It doesn't have to be something that I'm already good at.

Lynn Grogan 
Oh, absolutely. And when I think too is, when somebody takes a path that's very clear cut, like, okay. I go do this, and I do this schooling, and then after that, I get this type of job doing something, say, for example, what you've done and, like, becoming an entrepreneur, there's no, like, road map. There's no road map for you to do what you did.

Kricia Palmer 
Right? Not at all. 

Lynn Grogan 
I think that's part of the scary thing too. It's just like, and I've this has definitely come up with a lot of the physicians I've coached throughout the years. It's just kind of like, there's almost even a fear of dreaming of what else you would do.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. For sure. Because the path in in medicine, and I think it's probably the same in nursing and other health care fields - that whole path is outlined for you. You know, you go to school, you take this test, you do a residency, you take step 2 and step 3 of the boards, then, you know, you fit you do a fellowship or not, and then you take your your boards, and then you get a job. So there's not a significant amount of uncertainty involved in that. You know that if you work hard and you go through the process, you're gonna get to the next step, and you know exactly what to do next. Whereas, you know, pretty much anything else, especially being an entrepreneur, like you say, there's no road map at all. You get to create that.

Kricia Palmer 
That for me, and I think this is back to just being a personality thing, that for me was very exciting because I don't, like I said, Type 4 individualist. I don't like people telling me what to do. So I get to create my own path and that experience of creating my own path and anything I wanna do was very, very attractive to me.

Lynn Grogan 
Well, and I think too, and, like, as I have conversations with other people, like, on this podcast, I think what I'm hearing over and over again is this, like, going towards your strength. Right? Like, some people I think are just like, whatever. I like I'm a risk taker, and, like, I feel comfortable taking a risk. And, like, from what I'm hearing you saying is just, like, you know what? I like carving my own path, and that attracts me to that direction.

Kricia Palmer 

Lynn Grogan 
So I don't think there's any one type of person that does, like, the unconventional thing. I think it's just when you can take and create space for yourself to actually listen to yourself and see, like, what you're drawn to. I think we're naturally drawn in a direction that suits us if we're willing to, like, follow that intuition, if we're willing to go to it.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. We have those desires for a reason, I think, you know, those those interests. So, yeah, I totally agree.

Lynn Grogan 
How do you navigate that trial and error or doing things that, like, maybe we think of initially as failure or a mistake?

Kricia Palmer
Yeah. That's probably been one of the hardest lessons that I've had to learn, throughout the, just the whole process of being an entrepreneur because of, you know, I was always very much a perfectionist, very afraid of failing. I tell a story where I was in, a couple of pageants when I was in high school. I wasn't like a full blown southern pageant girl, so don't get the wrong impression, but I was in a couple I'll admit. And, I would not enter a pageant unless I was really I don't know what criteria I was using, and that like, my 17 year old brain. But if I didn't think I could win, at least the talent portion that was the most important to me or the overall thing, then I wouldn't enter because I was just like, I wanted whatever I did, I wanted to win. So I had this very competitive, perfectionistic attitude. And I had that all the way through, you know, college, med school.

Kricia Palmer 
I wanted to score the highest. I wanted to, I was 3rd in my class, I think. Like, I was just very performance driven because in retrospect, that's how I was getting my feeling of value. That's what I was looking for that validation. And so when I started on, you know, this entrepreneurial journey and got a lot of coaching, a lot of business coaching, and everyone was telling me you have to be willing to fail. And it was funny because when I first started, I thought, well, I'm gonna create this design slash coaching program. And I spent all this time on it, and I was like, I'm just gonna put it out into the world and it's gonna work and everybody's gonna sign up, and that's gonna be it. It's just gonna run and I'm getting you know? And that is not at all what happened.

Kricia Palmer 
I had lots of offers and things that totally failed. And, I got through that just kind of step by step with coaching. And finally, I mean, it took me a long time to really be okay with failing, and not view that as, like, I'm not worthy or, something's wrong with me. And look at it. What helped is thinking about it more like just in a scientific way, like, this is an experiment, and I'm just trying different things, and I'm getting data. And I'm gonna figure out, like, what works and what doesn't. And now if I have a launch that doesn't go as expect as, you know, if I don't meet my goal or it doesn't go as in the way that I expected, I don't think that there's anything wrong with me. I'm just like, okay.

Kricia Palmer 
Well, let's figure out what's wrong and pivot and try something else. So that's just being willing to fail over and over has been the hardest thing, but it's also, I think, been the most rewarding because if you're willing to fail and you're not making it mean that there's something wrong with you, you really kinda open yourself up to be able to try anything that you want.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing that, because I think that is, like, almost at the crux of the thing that comes up for everyone. But it's just like, okay. What if I try and fail? What are I imagine that you have probably other people coming to you just being like, okay, I want to leave medicine or leave my career and change. Like, what are the things that come up in those conversations when people ask you about, like, how you did it yourself?

Kricia Palmer 
I think a lot of it boils down to, you know, there's always that uncertainty. And I think that people before they make that decision, it's like they want to be certain that it's gonna work out, and then they wanna be certain that they're making the right decision. And so what I always say is, you get to decide if it's the right decision or not. Right? Then that there's probably not a right or wrong decision. It's just what do you want? And then, and just being able to be okay with not being certain that everything's gonna work out, but being confident that you're gonna be okay, no matter which way it goes, you know, that that you can fail and then recover and grow from it.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's definitely one of the biggest things that comes up because it's we will never be certain. I mean, I know it's just like on a normal basis. It's just like, oh my gosh. And I think that's been if anybody's learned anything over the last several years, it's just like what really intense uncertainty feels like in the world. And I do think that contributes a lot to hearing people branching out and doing different things in their life. They're like, well, if we can get through COVID and all that, like, maybe there's a different path for me. 

Kricia Palmer 

Lynn Grogan 
What would you what advice would you give beyond that to somebody who is thinking about making, like, a major career shift like you did?

Kricia Palmer 
I would say be brutally honest with yourself about what you want. And even if you think that you don't know, you probably do deep down at least to some degree, in some general sense, but be brutally honest about it. Like, if because I I think that's where so many of us, myself included, were always thinking about, like, the other people and society and call it, like, what other people are gonna think. So just be brutally honest about what you want and realize that it sounds really cliche and so, like, toxic positivity. Say, like, you can do anything you want. But if you're if you're really aware of what your mindset is going into it, you really can you know, if there's something that you don't know, you can learn it. If you fail, you're gonna be okay. But kinda circling back around, I think the most important thing is just be really honest with yourself about what you want.

Kricia Palmer
Because I, you know, I thought I was being honest with myself when I said I wanted to go into medicine, but I really wasn't in the back of my mind, and I knew it at the time. Now now that I'm, you know, a lot older, I think there was there was a part of me that knew, like, you're just doing this because it's a challenge. It's so easy to ignore that. So just be honest with yourself.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. And I also get a sense from your story is that you're honest with yourself, but it wasn't like and now I have to go fix this or do something about it tomorrow. It seemed like it was honest, and maybe I'm getting this wrong, but like, okay, now I'm going to give, like, I'm going to explore these new ideas that I'm having. And I think that's one thing that scares people is, like, if I am truly honest with myself, then I have to make these big scary changes immediately.

Kricia Palmer
Yeah, once I had the realization that I really wanted to that interior design was my passion, and that's what I wanted to do, it was probably 7 or 8 years before I ended up doing that. So you don't have to change everything right away, but just that awareness and being honest with yourself. Honestly, it even helped my you know, I was going through a lot of depression and anxiety at the time. It even helped that. I think just being honest with myself about what I wanted. So you don't have to be in a rush. You have plenty of time.

Lynn Grogan
Yeah. Plenty of time. I mean, 7 or 8 years, like Mhmm. It's like, that is a good span of time to make that transition.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. Because I was, what, 35. I was already I was 35 when I decided to leave medicine. You know? And I think a lot of us, like, well, 35. I mean, you know, you should be, like, in your career and advancing and everything, and I was starting over. But now I'm, you know, and I could have let the time factor come into play, but now I'm, you know, here I am 49, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I mean, that time was gonna go by. Anyway, it's it's totally fine.

Kricia Palmer 
You can, you know, I always tell tell people, like, that come to me there that are in their forties or fifties, and I'm like, it's never too late to pivot, if it's really what you wanna do.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. And it might be the perfect time to actually do that because Yeah. Yeah. Because it's like, could I do now what I'm doing now when I was, like, 22 years old? No. Like, I needed everything up until now to, like, figure this out.

Kricia Palmer 
Absolutely. Yeah. I think about that sometimes in relation to what I've done. I'm like, would I be where I'm at now had I not gone to medical school and practiced and everything? Because that changed me in, you know, so many ways and made me made me stronger in different different areas. I wouldn't be working with other women physicians right now. So I think that that was just a part of my path. Yeah.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. And it sounds like it still comes up in all of these different ways that you just couldn't have expected in med school.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. Yeah. For sure.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. Is there anything else on your mind as we wrap up the conversation today?

Kricia Palmer 
I think that, one thing that actually does come up is that when I started, you know, my business about 3 years ago, and still I find myself having these types of thoughts that at some point, it's just gonna be easy, and at some point, like, I'll get it in terms of my business. And I've realized that that's never gonna be the case. Like, it it's always a series, especially if you own your own business of changes and adjusting and pivoting. And so I'm learning to enjoy that part of the process instead of thinking that one day I will have arrived and that'll be it. You know? There's always there's all they're always gonna be challenges. Otherwise, we're not gonna keep growing. 

Lynn Grogan 
And I would say that's not exclusive to just business. I'm just like thinking. I'm like, oh, yeah. We think like, I definitely had that thought at 30 and then 40. I'm like, oh, I know. It's figured out by now. 

Kricia Palmer 
Even now I'm like, oh, when I'm, you know, 60, all this will be, like, rolling. And I just know that it's just gonna be it, you know, the the issues I have now won't be the same, but they'll be different, You know? And that's okay.

Lynn Grogan 
Yeah. I have, I think, have finally embraced that, like, oh, and I don't want it to be like that I have arrived because how boring would that be? 

Kricia Palmer 
I know. I know totally boring. If you have no challenges or, you know, I'm like, what am I gonna do all day? Just sit around and binge Netflix, which sometimes sounds nice, but you know.

Lynn Grogan
I know. I think about that too. I'm like, yeah, that's good for about 2 days. And then, and then it's like, all right, What's next?

Kricia Palmer 
So Yeah. Exactly.

Lynn Grogan 
Well, Kricia, if somebody wanted to find you online, where would they go looking?

Kricia Palmer 
They can find me on social media, Instagram. My handle is @KriciaPalmer
MD. That's @kriciapalmermd. And they can also check out my website at

Lynn Grogan 
Amazing. And I'll have that all linked in the show notes below. So well, thank you so much, Kricia, for coming on today. I have loved our conversation.

Kricia Palmer 
Yeah. Thank you. Thanks for having me. It's been great.

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